
Thursday, September 2, 2010

10 Blog Anniversary!!!

If you are reading this, please leave comments. You can say, it sucks, or it's poorly written or whatever. But, if you read a post say something! Say, Johnny, you could do better. Anything. You can become a follower if you have a gmail account. I NEED more followers!

Also, its about to have 100 hits! That means I've looked at it 99 times! Yeah!


  1. I'm working my way backwards through your blog posts (I do it like that, I don't know why. Usually I'm insane about chronological order but when it comes to blogs I go backwards all the time).

    I figured this would be a good point to let you know I'm officially going to follow your blog and that you crack me up :)

  2. TKchan, you're the bomb and you'll always have a special place in my heart!
