
Sunday, October 10, 2010

ACL 2010 Day Two

This is going to be short and I might come back and edit it. The second day was much better in every way. We went with some of my sister-in-law's friends and met some others there. One of which was a guy. That was nice. What up, Evan! Also, one of the friends' boyfriend drove us and picked us up. That makes a huge difference because we didn't have to walk as far or wait for cabs.

First Show: Gaslight Anthem -- they are a band from New Jersey who plays rock in the style of Bruce Springsteen with more of a punk rock feel. They were fantastic live and put on an excellent show. It was a great way to start the day.

Here is one of their songs:

Second Show: Broken Bells. We didn't see this whole show because we wanted to get a good seat for the next show. They sounded good but I'm not a huge fan, so I don't really know their songs. Danger Mouse + Shins lead singer = good.

Third Show: The XX. The only way I can describe this band is smoldering, gothy Brits. Actually, they are more like Morrissey. They were awesome. They basically played the whole album from beginning to end. This is the point were SIL's friend started taking all of the pictures. She was a fine arts major focusing in photography. You can't really tell here, but some of her pictures looked like they were from a crazy, stalker fan. Extreme close ups.

Fourth Show: Deadmau5. This was the best show. Deadmau5 is just straight up dancy, techno. The stage lit up and put on an amazing light show plus he wears a mouse mask that lights up. He did his DJing in the top corner of a cube. Try to figure it out with this video. If the jostling bothers you, move to the 4th minute. Here is a pic too. Pictures were really tough because of all of the movement and dancing, etc.

Fifth Show: Muse. We didn't really watch this one. As usual by the end of the day, we are exhausted and ready to go. We saw a few songs but Muse sucks anyway.

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