Weight Loss Attempts


4x15 225 flat bench press -- super hard

4 x 10 (50,55,60,65) lb dumbbell incline flys

4 x 10 70 lb curl bar skull crushers and close grib bench -- super set.... not too hard

4 x 10 (135) Decline machine bench press - 5 seconds per press

Ran: 3 Miles in 35 minutes.

Summary: Trying to do more reps, faster pace. It's difficult but I can feel/see a difference already.

Weight: 239


Military Press - 4 x 15 - 60 lbs (4 x 10 - 15 lbs Side Raises -- superset)

Upright Rows - 4 x 10 - 100 lbs (4 x 20 - Don't know what to call this: 45 lb plate above my head I spin it around my head. I will call these plate spins -- superset)

Shrugs - 4 x 10 - 200 lbs - machine with plates -- 3 seconds per shrug -- Front raises with a 35 lbs barbell

Ran 4.25 miles

Summary: Sets of 15 is hard no matter what. The rest wasn't that bad.

Weight: 242


I haven't posted in a month, but I've been working out.

Last Sunday: I ran 3 miles.


4x15 225 flat bench press -- super hard

4 x 10 60 lb dumbbell incline flys

2x (4 x 10) 70 lb curl bar skull crushers and close grib bench -- super set.... not too hard

4 x 10 (90,95,100,105) Decline dumbbell bench press

Summary: Trying to do more reps, faster pace. It's difficult but I can feel/see a difference already.


Ran 5 miles in an hour.

Super sets of abs/lower back work out

(50 crunches from difference angles on the broken bench)
(20 oblique side dip...err... things with 50 lbs)
(30 lower back reverse crunches)

Weight: 238 lbs... that swine flu I had really did a number on my gut. Desperately trying to keep it off.



Run-walked for 45 minutes. 3.50 miles.

Summary: Running gets easier every time. My gut only stopped the treadmill once!

Weight: 245

Elliptical machine 30 minutes on level 10.

4 x 10 Flat Dumbbell Bench Press (100's, 110's, 120's, 130's)

4 x 10 Smith Machine Incline Bench Press (225)

4 x 10 Decline Bench Press (225)

Summary: Elliptical is just boring, but I have to do something.Bench is the easiest thing for me. It's never really hard.

Weight: 246

Ran/jogged for 45 minutes. Hit 3.50 miles and burnt 575 calories

4 x 10 Bent Over One Arm Dumbbell Rows (90) and 4 x 20 (10 on each side) of (55,60,65,70) Dumbbell Side Bends -- Super Set
4 x 10 Reverse Flys (60, 70, 80, 90) and Ab Twists with a 35lb dumbbells in each hand
4 x 50 Smith Machine rows (115,125,135,145)

Summary: I hate back days. That is all. Rows are hard every time . I think the ab stuff is working though. The running is getting easier.

Weight: 248

Elliptical machine 30 minutes on level 10.

4 x 10 Upright Rows (90, 95, 100, 105)

4 x 10 Shrugs (330 lbs)

Summary: Surprisingly not hard after a long weekend. Had to leave early because I was with my wife.

Weight: 249
Elliptical machine 30 minutes on level 10.

4 x 10 Squats (185, 195, 205, 215)

4 x 40 Calf Raises Equisquat machine (Don't know how to figure out the weight - there were 2 plates on each side.)

4 x 10 Leg Extensions (75)

Summary: Ellipitcal super easy now. Nothing was very hard but the calf raises were probably the hardest they've ever been. Still not that hard.

Weight: 247

Elliptical machine 30 minutes on level 10.

4 x 10 Flat Barbell Bench Press (225, 315, 335, 355 (got 6 on this and then failed))

4 x 10 Dumbell Incline Bench Press (90s, 100s, 110s, 115s)

4 x 15 Dips

Summary: Ellipitcal wasn't bad. This is the most weight I have ever done on bench press - and it was scary heavy. The incline was harder than normal due to the previous set. Samething with dips.

Weight: 249
Ran/jogged for 45 minutes. Hit 3.25 miles and burnt 530 calories.

Summary: Absolute horror. My legs were dead, so dead that I didn't lift weights after.
Weight: 246

Ran/jogged for 45 minutes. Hit 3.25 miles and burnt 530 calories.

4 x 10 Upright Rows (90, 95, 100, 105)

4 x 10 Shrugs (330 lbs)

Summary:The running wasn't bad. The shoulder stuff was too light, but  light enough for me to do 2 more exercises like I normally do.

Weight: 246

Ran for 45 minutes. Er... Ran/jogged. Hit 3 miles and burnt 500 calories - or so the treadmill told me. 

Summary: Wasn't that bad. I think working my legs harder is helping my running.

Weight: 246


Elliptical machine for 30 minutes at 10 keeping my heart rate from 125-135.

4 x 10 Preacher Curls (60, 70, 80, 90)

4 x 10 Machine Curls (45, 60, 75, 90)

Summary: Everything was easy. My goal this year is to be able to get bigger, more defined biceps. My turn of the 20th century, weight lifter with a handle bar mustache muscle definition is sub par.

Weight: 246


Elliptical machine for 30 minutes at 10 keeping my heart rate from 125-135.

4 x 10 Bent Over One Arm Dumbbell Rows (70,80,90,100) and 4 x 20 (10 on each side) of (55,60,65,70) Dumbbell Side Bends -- Super Set

4 x 10 Assisted Pull-Ups (170, 155, 140, 125) and Ab Twists with a 45 lb plate

4 x 50 Crunches

4 x 50 Sitting Down Rows - Machine - almost on my back (120,130,140,150)

Summary: The first set sucked and the ab part was hard. I hate rows. The assisted pull ups feel very wussy but It's a start. The ab twists were really hard too. The crunches, which are normally easy, were hard. Sitting down row machine wasn't too hard but I was pretty tired.

Elliptical was easy.

Weight: 248


Elliptical Machine: 30 minutes on level 10 keeping my heart rate between 120-130
Smith Machine Lunges: 4 sets x 10 reps with 95 lbs
Calf Raises Machine: 4 x 30 varying weight
Leg Extension Machine: 4 x 10 (90, 90, 110, 110)

Time: 1 Hour

Summary: I feel like the elliptical machine is worthless. I'll continue to do it until I get my cardio going well enough to... Gulp.. run. Lunges killed me. Heart rate was out of control (180 at times). Calf raises are easy. Should have done more weight on the leg extensions. Listened to Die Antwoord... money.

Weight: 249. Please God, let this be the most!

Flat Barbell Bench: 5 x 10 (135, 225, 275, 295, 315)
Incline Dumbbell Bench: 4 x 10 (90's, 95's, 100's, 105's)
Decline Barbell Bench: 4 x 10 (225)
Machine Fly: 4 x 10 (165)
Stand Up Machine Skull Crusher: 4 x 10 (?)

No Cardio

Time: 45 min.

Summary: Good weight lifting. It was tough at the beginning. I felt the residual effect of doing chest last week. Flat is easy. Incline is the hardest. I feel like all of the blood vessels in my face are going to explode when I do this. Decline is just getting through it; my arms feel like jelly by then. Fly is easy. Skull crushers are easy.

I went with my wife and she doesn't exercise as long as me. I might go back to do cardio. I just ate some Italian sausage so maybe not.

Listened to Die Antwoord... money... again. 

Weight: 246. I had a lot of fiber for breakfast.

**Update: I made it back to the gym later that night! Did the exact same cardio as the day before.

Elliptical Machine: 30 minutes on level 10 keeping my heart rate between 135-145

Iso-Lateral Lat Pull Downs Machine: 4 x 10 (90 on each side, 105, 115, 125) and 4 x 20 of an ab exercise (Holding a 45 plate against my body and twisting at the abs so one shoulder faces forward and then the other... I'll call them Ab Twists in the future unless someone knows what I'm talking about and what they are called) -- Super Set

Stand Up Rows on the Smith Machine: 4 x 10 (135, 145, 150, 155) and 4 x 20 (10 on each side) of 45 Plate Side Bends -- Super Set

Reverse Flys: 4 x 10 (25)

Summary: I hate back. It's hard and tires me out really quickly. I got tired doing the elliptical machine today, which is abnormal. Pull Downs are hard as hell - feel like my face is going to explode. Stand up rows are in the middle - definitely hard by the end. Reverse flys - probably not the best form - pretty tired at that point. All of the ab stuff is easy. Need to go up in weight and use 50 lb dumbbells. 

Weight: 246. Well, I didn't go up. Had a thing called a turkey sandwich today. Didn't know sandwiches came in non-Philly Cheese Steak style. Interesting.


Just elliptical machine. 30 minutes of level 12 with a 135-145 heart rate. Got sweaty really quickly but persevered. I'm a tough elliptical machine working SOB!

Oh yeah, I did 4 x 50 crunches too.  No big deal.


I skipped 3 days for New Years.

I ran 2 1/2 miles in 30 minutes going 2 min jogging and 2 min walking. It was difficult but I did it.

4 x 10 Squats (135,165,175,185) - went light today.

Calf Raises with 225 on the hack squat machine.

Wife wanted to leave so what was I supposed to say?

Summary: Running sucks. Squats sucks worse (felt like something was going on with my groin - uh oh!). Calf stuff: super easy.

Weight: 248. :(



Did stuff but didn't write it down. Don't remember.






Elliptical machine for 45 minutes. I kept my heart rate at 125 the whole time.

Summary: After Vegas, this was surprisingly not hard. I'm ready to work out for real tomorrow.

Weight: 249


Elliptical Machine: 30 minutes on level 10 keeping my heart rate between 125-130.
5 x 10 Squats (135, 175, 185, 205, (6) 205)

4 x 50 Calf Raises using the hack squat machine with 270

2 x10 each leg on the Glut Blaster

Summary: Elliptical was easy - I probably need to go faster/put more resistance on. Squats weren't nearly as bad as last time. Calf raises - easy. By the Glut Buster, I was really tired. Only did two sets.

Weight: 247

New Workouts will be at the top :)